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PostWysłany: Pon 20:35, 22 Lip 2013    Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pią 22:40, 19 Lip 2013    Temat postu: when you�re planning a baby shower

Baby Shower Invitation Tips
A fun invitation sets the mood for any event. That's why, when you�re planning a baby shower, you should pay significant attention to the invitation. Invitations are always important for special occasions like a baby shower. The good news is that you don't have to leave your home to find great baby shower invitations. The Internet is full of different styles and designs of invitations, from casual to formal and from elegant to cute. You can find a great baby shower invitation for any budget. You can even find invitations that come with chocolate and candies -- the details of the event printed on the wrapper. Now, isn't that great?
Look for a website with a wide selection of baby shower invitation designs and styles. Some companies will happily personalize an invitation and some will even address and mail them for you. Now that's hassle free service. All you have to do is pick your design, give them he necessary information, and you�ll have plenty of time to attend to the more important aspects of your baby shower.
Confused by the many choices of invitations? Don�t know style or design to choose? Use as your guide the theme of your party. Is the baby shower a formal event or is it a simple gathering? If you are planning a jungle themes party, you could choose an invitation with animals and a jungle print. If you are planning to decorate with angels, try choosing an invitation with angels and other heavenly themes. If you do not have a theme for your party, you can choose an invitation with a general baby theme -- designs like animals, baby bottles, babies, stars,christian louboutin sale, rattles, cartoon characters, etc.
Once you've decided on what kind of baby shower invitation to get, place your order. As soon as you get the invitations, start filling them out. Remember to include the following information: Name of the guest of honor, date of the party, time of the party, address of where the party will be held, if it will be a surprise party, the RSVP date, and a phone number or return card. Be precise as to the details of the shower so as to avoid confusion.
If you are sending out the invitations yourself,christian louboutin sale, mail them at least 4 - 6 weeks prior to the shower. If you are inviting guests from out-of-town, send the invitation 8 - 12 weeks in advance. It is also nice to include a map or direction to the location of the event.
Make the invitation as attractive as possible. It is an event celebrating the arrival of your baby -- you�ll want it to be special.
If you are the creative or crafty type, you can always make your own invitations. Pick up ideas from relatives, books, your friends, or even the Internet. Making your own baby shower invitation adds a personal touch to the event.
Baby shower invitations come in a variety of styles and designs,prada outlet,christian louboutin men. Choose the one that reflects you best!

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