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PostWysłany: Pią 22:55, 13 Wrz 2013    Temat postu: Join the Growing International Effort to Support W

Join the Growing International Effort to Support Wolfgang Spors and Rescue the Caf
This website is the communication portal for those who really want to help rescue one of the very finest and most unique music and cultural venues in Europe,[url=][b]duvetica down jackets sale[/b][/url], Berlin's famous and popular Café Garbáty,[url=][b]discount Giuseppe Zanotti outlet Free Shipping[/b][/url], and its founder and manager Wolfgang Spors against the enemies of the Café, as well as culture and democracy. Please notice that the English and the German parts of this site are very different in their content and objectives.
We think that the tasks and the possibilities of the English and German Garbáty friends and defenders are different. Should you need more information in English especially those we offer by now in German, please contact us. Please visit our site every day to inform yourself about the success and new actions.
As you certainly have heard the Berlin bureaucracy has sentenced the Café Garbáty to be closed. The deadline is 2009,[url=][b]duvetica jackets aliaoutlet outlet[/b][/url], 31th January. So every hour and every day shall be used to fight against these criminals who destroy one of the most beautiful places in Europe. And also our guests and friends from overseas who prize it.
To put it bluntly, the forced closing of Café Garbáty is an outrage and a tragedy. What the courts and corrupt local officials have tried to sell as a compromise settlement (Vergleich) has nothing to do with what is right, or just,[url=][b][/b][/url], or in the interest and welfare of the people of Berlin. But has much to do with greed,[url=][b]Moncler Günstig Moncler Jacken Günstig Moncler Weste Billig Österreich[/b][/url], personal ambition, and financial profiteering using blackmailing tactics and an ongoing attrition strategy by liars, crooks and law breakers, both within and without black robes.
It was clear from the beginning that the so-called legal process against Café Garbáty and its owner, Wolfgang Spors, was only a cynical political charade and that Herr Spors never had the slightest chance of getting justice or even a fair hearing.
All friends, fans and defenders of Café Garbáty are asked to add their ideas, suggestions and propositions to this wiki site. Artists, musicians and citizens of the world who are interested in defending the interests of Garbáty,[url=][b]duvetica jackets aliaoutlet[/b][/url], Wolfgang Spors and the citizens of Berlin-Pankow are also requested to participate - simply tell us yes or no? How and why? You have the say!
Please use the Comments section below:
I am planning a return visit to Berlin for the Spring and when I Googled the name Cafe Garbaty I was surprised to see a heading that said "Help Save Café Garbáty: Join the Growing International Effort to …"
When I clicked on that link it brought me to this web site,[url=][b][/b][/url].
I just can't believe my favorite Berlin music club is being forced to close,[url=][b]Discount Duvetica Down Jackets For Women[/b][/url].
This evening after work I will send letters to both the mayor of Berlin and Chancellor Merkel. I don't know if this will help, but I feel I must do something!!!
Best Wishes to Wolgang and his crew,[url=][b]Duvetica piumini italia piumini duvetica outlet duvetica jackets shop online[/b][/url],
wir können es schaffen - immer noch - das Garbaty zu retten. Dort,[url=][b]Parajumpers jackets outlet parajumpers sale canada online shop PJS Jackets free shipping[/b][/url], wo es jetzt ist, woanders wird es nach Lage der Dinge wohl kaum etwas werden. Wer die Ansprache von Wolfgang am 16.12. im Kesselhaus aufmerksam gehört hat,[url=][b][/b][/url], sollte verstanden haben: Er hat Familie,[url=][b]2013 Sale Parajumpers outlet online best winter down jackets sale jackets[/b][/url], eine kleine Tochter, er hat für einen neuen Laden kein Geld usw. Die Ansage von Verein und SPDlern von Mitte Oktober,[url=][b][/b][/url], alles sei in Sack und Tüten, der Vertrag schon unterschrieben, die neuen Räume stünden bereit … Alles Lüge, Propaganda,[url=][b]duvetica down jackets[/b][/url], Beruhigungspillen,[url=][b]discount Giuseppe Zanotti outlet Fast Free Shipping Free Returns[/b][/url], dass das Volk, der große Lümmel, sich ein weiteres Mal übertölpeln und verarschen läßt. In diesem Staat bekommt man nicht nur nichts geschenkt, sondern pausenlos auch weggenommen, wenn man nicht kämpft. So ist das eben.相关的主题文章:
















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