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PostWysłany: Sob 13:29, 05 Paź 2013    Temat postu:

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Pour Guy Spier, directeur du fonds Aquamarine, le modèle de la société est comparable à celui de Coca-Cola, dont M. Buffett est fan. "Lubrizol vend des composants chimiques aux industries cosmétiques, du lubrifiant pour les moteurs de et de bateaux, un peu comme Coca-Cola vend son sirop", explique-t-il. Et, à l'instar du géant des sodas, le chimiste américain a, explique-t-il, un avantage de taille : il impose ses prix à ses clients car sa technologie n'est pas imitable.
Forbes, repart à l'attaque du marché. Après marqué une - petite - pause, le "papy de la finance" a annoncé, lundi 14 mars, que son fonds d'investissement Berkshire Hathaway avait conclu un accord pour le chimiste américain Lubrizol pour quelque 9 milliards de ugg pas cher dollars (6,47 milliards d'euros).
M. Buffett, actionnaire du réassureur Swiss Re, pourrait alors en pour quelques investissements afin d' le pays... et ses affaires.
PostWysłany: Pią 14:53, 04 Paź 2013    Temat postu: about Uncomfortable Shoes

about Uncomfortable Shoes
Emily Bracken from Bon Vivant magazine wrote a tasty piece last week called, Signs she will be a High Maintenance Woman I proudly do not fit into any category of hers any longer. There are no decorated fingernails, fur lined jackets or a pink rhinestone cell phone in my pocket. Hair extensions are not disguised upon my head nor am I a European Femme Nikita. There is no small dog in my purse or a massive population of stuffed animals in my home.
She also mentions that any woman that wears over three inch heels is definitely going to be a problem. I can totally understand it as that particular woman will probably be in agony from wearing her Jimmy Choo's or whatever she has on her feet. NO matter how you try she is never going to engage in any delightful conversation.
I wore trendy heels every day of my life until I birthed son number one. Two hours after the birth; the days of wearing anything with a heel were all over. I was left with a permanent slight swelling of my left foot, probably from grappling the stirrups of the delivery table like a monkey swinging from tree to tree for 28 hours.
Last year I walked into Wal-Mart on a quest for comfy shoes. Instead I walked out with two pairs of high heel shoes that cost only $5.00 each. I was thrilled when I tried them on and I vowed to wear them everyday for one hour until I got used to them.
The next day I donned a pair of leopard 4 inch heels trimmed in red and walked from the car to the row of grocery carts. By aisle two I was hung over the cart to support myself and my feet were in excruciating pain.
A farmer in overalls was also checking out my shoes and followed me to aisle four pretending to buy peaches. He returned a few times still eyeing the shoes and I don think I ever realized the power of heels in a rural area. I paid for the groceries and literally crawled back to the car in pain,[url=][b][/b][/url]. I immediately ripped them off and the feeling of relief was much like being constipated and then having it all disappear. I swear that nothing comes closer to that feeling.
I gave away my last pair of leopard stilettos to a friend of mine after keeping them in my closet for five years. They had thin gold heels and the suede was soft as silk but had only been worn once for about 8 minutes,[url=][b]Discount 2013 Nike Soccer Shoes online sale[/b][/url]. Placing them on my feet as I sat on the couch at a monthly church lady meeting; I gingerly walked over for tea with a performance worthy of an Academy Award,[url=][b]Parajumpers Jakke[/b][/url]. The ladies marveled at how I had walked in them all day and I never acknowledged anything different,[url=][b]Peuterey Outlet[/b][/url]. I know what you are thinking. I am going to shoe hell in a handbasket.
Now I wear your basic flat black Mary Jane shoes made by Crocs. However I do admire the Fashionista girl that wears anything over a three inch heel. That would be the same one that does not show one ounce of pain while she walks with a quick step down the street.
I actually approached the person that wore the Leboutin's above and asked her how she did it. She was actually a he and then it all made sense. When they made the mold for males and females they somehow put the better calf muscles into the males, because gay males can rock heels like no woman I have ever seen.
I think we should all revolt and demand our rightful calves back. But then again I will never ever be a 'Sex and the City' girl anymore. I love being able to walk without being in pain and holding the title of a low maintenance girl.
After all these flats or skimmers as they call them are absolutely made for walking. And now that's just what I do - in absolute comfort.
Text and Images: Linda Seccaspina 2011
Picture of Wal- Mart shoes
Son number one Sky and daughter in law Carolyn
Picture of Manolo Blahniks
Son number two Perry and daughter in law Stephanie
Thanks Buffy for the correction.:)
Myriad. I found these black mary jane shoes made by Crocs,[url=][b]Parajumpers Long Bear[/b][/url]. They look nothing like them but are so comfy. Use to love the Earth Spirits at Wal mart but they have changed the heel and not too durable.
The one formal event I go to a year? I wear a floor length skirt and hide my feet.:)
Yserba. seriously?? :)
Oryoki,[url=][b]Peuterey Italia Online[/b][/url]. It tales me the longest time to find shoes because of my left foot. Its been like that for almost 26 years but it is still a pain,[url=][b]roger vivier heels online[/b][/url].
Comfort now first,[url=][b]duvetica jackets[/b][/url].
Rugrat. you too??:) I bet John B can rock them hahaha
Not-so-funny shoe story. my husband has an aunt who lives in Manhattan. Part of the story of 9/11 is the entire city of New York evacuating on foot. On foot. The subways were shut down. The city was gridlocked. If you could get on a bus, you weren't going anywhere. So everyone walked for miles to get to a ferry or a bridge to get out of the city.
A lot of working women in the city wear heels, and were literally stranded and couldn't walk. She said women were barefoot, they were buying shoes on the street to walk in.
She also said for six months to a year following 9/11, all the store displays and store windows showed nothing but flats. Flat shoes in all styles, for work, for evening, for everything. Everyone was thinking about walking, a lot,[url=][b][/b][/url], or going down hundreds of flights of stairs,[url=][b]woolrich winter coats woolen mills[/b][/url], at any time, to get out of town. Even now, a lot of women keep pairs of Nikes in their desk drawers, along with cash, food, and water in case they have to evacuate.
















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